Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society – Storytelling Night

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society:

September 23, 2013 –

The annual Storytelling Night began in 2010. Two community leaders are asked to prepare seven short stories from their childhood, personal life or work, then take turns telling them in a fascinating evening that ranges from funny to profound.

The speakers do not respond to each other’s stories, but simply speak from the heart, letting audience members find their own connections and contrasts.

“This is not about sermonizing,” said Phyllis Pellman Good, who coordinates the event. “There is an accumulating effect of seeing two lives side by side. Amazing parallels sometimes emerge. There is an element of surprise.”

This is one of 20 Lancaster County  museums hosting a variety of events for Museum Fest 2013, sponsored by Museum Council of Lancaster County.

Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society:

2215 Millstream Rd
Lancaster, PA 17602-1499


Categories: Museums

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